Humanitarian Bazaar | peacebuilding
Humanitarian Bazaar produces creative projects focused on how people survive war and disaster.
humanitarian, aid, humanitarian aid, human rights, peace, peacebuilding, war, disaster, frontline, front line, war music, festival, music festival, conflict mitigation, counter-extremism, cve, countering violence extremism, protection, war survivors, survivors, war survivors advisory, gerstle, daniel gerstle, daniel j gerstle, waayaha cusub, mogadishu, mogadishu music, mogadishu music festival, afghan music, afghan music festival, live from mogadishu, thunder spiral, syrian metal, syrian metal is war, adeso africa, somalia, afghanistan, syria, bosnia, bascarsija, sudan, ukraine
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September 2010 | Daniel J. Gerstle
Originally published in Humanitarian Bazaar (aka HELO Magazine) in 2010.
All names of Iraqi peace activists and workers have been changed for their security. When necessary, a character may be portrayed as a composite or noted...