Humanitarian Bazaar | update
Humanitarian Bazaar produces creative projects focused on how people survive war and disaster.
humanitarian, aid, humanitarian aid, human rights, peace, peacebuilding, war, disaster, frontline, front line, war music, festival, music festival, conflict mitigation, counter-extremism, cve, countering violence extremism, protection, war survivors, survivors, war survivors advisory, gerstle, daniel gerstle, daniel j gerstle, waayaha cusub, mogadishu, mogadishu music, mogadishu music festival, afghan music, afghan music festival, live from mogadishu, thunder spiral, syrian metal, syrian metal is war, adeso africa, somalia, afghanistan, syria, bosnia, bascarsija, sudan, ukraine
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December 2024 | Daniel J. Gerstle, founder / editor
Humanitarian Bazaar
Welcome to Humanitarian Bazaar! We're an arts community committed to promoting peace and an end to violence. We produce creative projects focused on how people survive war and disaster, including stories...
October 2024 |
This past October 2024, I had a chance to revisit the Jewish neighborhood of Prague, Czechia, and join friends at a demonstration march for peace and an end to violence against civilians in the ongoing Israel-Arab regional...
June 2024 | Daniel J. Gerstle |
This June 4th, 2024, while on an International Center for Journalists fellowship and in cooperation with Untold Magazine, I had the chance to attend the first war crimes trial for Sudan at the...
March 2024 | Daniel J. Gerstle
While on the International Center for Journalists Fellowship for Health Innovation Journalism, I had a chance to dive into Heidelberg University's School of Medicine, visit philosopher Karl Jasper's stomping grounds by the old...
January 2024 |
After years developing Humanitarian Bazaar's War Survivors Advisory to research gaps in global civilian protection in emergencies, the International Center for Journalists awards HB founder Daniel J. Gerstle with the 2024 Health Innovation Journalism Fellowship to focus...
September 2023 | Tamana Ayazi & Marcel Mettelsiefen directed the film. HB highlights the award here. |
Our hero, friend, and former producer Tamana Ayazi, who worked with Humanitarian Bazaar on several projects in Afghanistan, pulled off the miraculous feat of...
May 2023 |
With great pride and relief, singer Felis Abdi, rapper Shiine Akhyaar, and I (Daniel) can now share with you that after an epic twelve year journey, we now have a full 110 minute rough cut of our...
February 2018 |
We were proud to present Humanitarian Bazaar's War Survivors Advisory project at the Meet & Pitch event at The Factory in Berlin this week. While I was nervous presenting such heavy content to an audience used to...
[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" video="" box_shadow_on_row="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]March 2015 | BBC News ft. Daniel J. Gerstle with People in Need |
While on break from HB, founder Daniel J. Gerstle took on the challenge serving as People in Need's...
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[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space image_repeat="no-repeat"][vc_column_text]In September 2014, Masterpeace ran another global music festival event, bringing together musicians from all over the world who represented countries facing conflict...